The path of self-manifestation for fulfilled life

Do you also feel that desire to reveal your true inner splendor so you can become who you are destined to be? Free from inhibitions or fears about what others might think? Maybe you already know your life's mission, but you do not know how to live from your purpose. Or you are just searching from that nagging feeling inside that maybe you are not doing what you are supposed to do, that you are not fully who you are supposed to be.

This article invites you to explore the concept of self-manifestation. Nobi went to get the jewels for this especially for you from some resounding names within the world of personal growth and self-actualization. From Anthony Robbins to Deepak Chopra to Bréne Brown, ... all agree: self-manifestation is a journey of self-discovery, growth and transformation. It is the unfolding of your true potential so that you can live from who you really are.

A brief anthology

Once upon a time ... there was a little flower seed named Sam. Sam was a special seed who knew deep inside that he carried a beautiful flower within him and wanted to become all of that. But instead of just growing and becoming who he could be in his full potential, Sam was worried and afraid about what others would think. Would he be good enough? Would he be noticed among all the other flowers in the garden?

Sam decided to seek advice from the wise Old Tree. This one had been through many seasons and knew the secrets of true Life. He asked the Old Tree, "How can I become the most beautiful flower and fully manifest myself?"

The Old Tree smiled kindly and said, "Dear Sam, the key to self-manifestation lies in listening to your own inner wisdom. You already carry the blueprint of your destiny within you. All you need to do is trust your unique journey."

Sam was confused and asked, "But how do I know what my destination is and how can I be sure I am making the right choices?"

The Old Tree answered wisely, "Your heart will guide you, my friend. Listen to the quiet voice of your intuition and follow your passion. Do not be distracted by the opinions of others. You are here to shine the splendor of your unique colors and share your own beauty with the world."

(Read the sequel to this short story "The Flower of Self-Manifestation" here)

Passion as a compass to your true potential

Everyone has something that touches, extremely captivates or passionates them. You too. If you follow the path of your enthusiasm and passion, life will almost automatically lead you to your greater life purpose. Your passion lies sown in your heart and soul being, and is expressed through your intuition. It speaks to you through an unbridled feeling of overwhelming enthusiasm, subtle tingling in your body, or simply because you experience a deep peace within yourself when you pay attention to the externalization of your passion. Recognizable? It is often those things that you -initially apart from the daily (obligatory) tasks- immerse yourself in that actually call you with the question to play a greater role in your existence. If you start living fully from your passion, enriched with your unique talents, then you are close to living a fulfilling life. It is just that feeling of total fulfillment that indicates to you whether or not you are living the life you came for. Welcome to the path of self-manifestation.


“Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life: not on what you don’t want.” —Napoleon Hill

What is self-manifestation?

Manifesting yourself ... admittedly, it sounds a little strange. After all, we exist, so we already "are," right? Why do we need to manifest ourselves if we already are? Are there multiple forms of 'being' then? Most of us live life without too much awareness of ourselves. There is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary. They drift through life, floating in their little sloop. What we are mostly unaware of in that case is that we are all a product of our upbringing, and that inseparably brings with it conditioning.

Just do the following thought exercise: what were the frameworks set during your early childhood, the experiences or traumas you went through as a child, the values and norms that prevailed in your family of origin, school, the environment in which we raised you... ? It determines who you have become today: a 'you' in which parts of your true potential have not been able to reach maturity. Self-manifestation is therefore about unfolding your fullest true self, freed from limiting thoughts, forgotten talents, or now useless conditioning about beliefs. Who is this full "you" that resides within you, without all those obstacles or limitations?  Who are you then? What do you do then? And how does that feel, while we're dreaming...?

If you have fully manifested yourself, then you have realized your full potential that was within you. Great, isn't it? And yes, that journey may last a lifetime, why not? How wonderful it could be when, at the end of your journey, you look back at yourself with a satisfied heart, knowing that you were able to fully manifest your authentic self in various aspects of your life. From relationships to career, creativity and personal growth.

Sound enticing? Then let this be an invitation to put yourself under the magnifying glass and find out what your values, interests, passions and talents are. And once you have found them, are you ready to start living from there without letting yourself be limited by external expectations or social norms? Or will you let life take a run at ... your life anyway?

Self-manifestation means taking responsibility for your own life, actively taking steps that align with the path you have from your heart to follow.

"So how does my life look different?"

When you have realized or manifested yourself, you most likely experience a deep personal happiness, a sense of supreme fulfillment or deep peace in all-that-is. If all goes well, when you live from a self-manifested state of being, you will also feel the call to contribute from your passion and talents to a story that is often bigger than yourself. Your focus is shifted from I to we, from which you begin to create a positive impact on the world around you. After all, by manifesting your authentic self, you become a source of inspiration for others whereby you will consciously or unconsciously empower and encourage them to also embrace their own true self and realize their potential.


“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” —Jack Canfield

6 crucial elements to get you started toward the best version of yourself

So how do you do that, realize yourself to the fullest? There are so many roads to Rome, and everyone's path is extremely unique. However, there are some crucial values that invite you to help manifest a self-realized state of being. These 6 are a good start:

1. Follow your passion

We already talked about it: do that which excites you and fuels your inner fire. Does what you do make you happy? Does it give you energy? Then go for it to the fullest. Your passion is a signpost to your greater reason for existence and a potential anchor toward a fulfilling life. Have you found your greatest passion(s)? Then enrich it with an overview of your talents, skills, values, interests, experiences and beliefs. This will help you create a story that makes you unique from which you can become a gift to the world around you.

 2. Be authentic

Are you honest with yourself and others about your desires, needs and boundaries? By accepting yourself as you are, you can empower yourself in the world.

3. Overcome limiting beliefs

Identify mental and emotional limitations that are holding you back from growing into a broader version of yourself.Work to transform them with the help of a coach, therapist, training, book, etc.After all, you are not your beliefs, you create them. Change your thoughts and your world will change with you.

4. Take full responsibility for your life.

You are the creator of your reality.You have the power to make positive changes.Take charge of your choices and actions that align your life with your highest vision.

5.Live in the Now

The present is the only moment in which you live.Clinging to the past or worrying about the future takes you away from yourself and your inner power. Practice being present in here and now, that way you can fully engage yourself with what you are doing.

6. Trust your intuition

How does your intuition speak to you? Through hunches, body sensations, dreams, telepathy, synchronicities? Explore with yourself and rediscover your inner voice! It is the language of your higher self that wishes nothing more than to guide you in the direction of your path.

Practical Tips

  1. Finally, these 7 practical tools that can help you during your process:
  2. Keep a journal in which you jot down your goals, dreams, thoughts and progress.
  3. Vividly visualize your goal and program your subconscious for success.
  4. Strengthen your mindset by uttering powerful and positive affirmations that align with who you want to become.
  5. Calm your mind, expand your consciousness and discover your deeper wisdom through regular meditation.
  6. Create your own unique vision board that visually displays all your goals and values and look at it daily.
  7. Get guidance in setting your goals or identifying and clearing obstacles with a good coach or mentor by your side.
  8. Expand your knowledge about, and understanding of, personal development by reading books or taking courses.
  9. Be kind, gentle and patient. This applies both to yourself and your loved ones.

All these tools and tips are only tools to support you on your path to self-manifestation. You are unique so your path will also be different from that of your loved ones. Go explore dear nobi reader and share your experiences with our nobi-tribe. We are all fellow travelers on each other's path, sometimes for a while, and perhaps for life.

And remember... "In a world full of copies, dare to be a real one!"


“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice.” - Steve Jobs

Author: Lies Paelinck

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