The 5 wise men

Nobi invites you to walk your own unique path with this inspiring short story... Sit back and enjoy this touch of life deepening for the road.

Five wise men got lost in the forest.

The first said, "I go left, my intuition tells me so."

The second said, "I'll go right, because "right" comes from the word right, which stands for right."

The third said, "I will go back, because that's where we came from. That means I will get out of the forest."

The fourth said, "I will go straight. We have to go forward. The forest will eventually end and something new will take its place."

The fifth said, "You are all wrong. There is a better solution. Wait for me."

He found the tallest tree and climbed it. As he climbed up, all the other wise men followed their own path of choice. From above, the fifth wise man saw which path they had to follow to get out of the forest. You see, his idea had been the best.  The others were wrong. They were stubborn and didn't listen to him. He was the one and only Wise!

But he was wrong, after all, everyone has been right.

The wise man who went left ended up in the thicket. He nearly starved to death and had to fight wild animals. But he learned how to survive in the forest; he became a part of the forest and was able to pass on all his knowledge to others.

The wise man who went to the right was ambushed by thieves. They took everything from him and forced him to steal with them. But in time, the sage managed to awaken something in the thieves that they had forgotten - humanity and compassion. Their repentance was so strong that after his death, some also became sages.

The wise man who went back made a path through the forest. That path soon became a path for those who wanted to walk through the forest without the risk of getting lost.

The wise man who went straight became a pioneer. He found wonderful places where no one had ever been before. There he found unprecedented medicinal plants and fantastic new species of animals. Thus he created new opportunities for the whole community.

The wise man who climbed the tree became a specialist in finding the shortest path. People turned to him when they wanted to find the fastest way to solve their problems, even if it meant learning little from that solution.

Thus, the five wise men all in their own way eventually reached the destination.


We all have our own path to walk and our own unique lessons to learn, including you. Only by walking your own path can the best version of yourself unfold. The challenges you encounter along the way may seem like adversity slowing you down in achieving your goals. But if you look closely, you will see that they are the breeding ground for developing your talents and qualities.

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