The flower of self-manifestation

Once upon a time there was a little flower seed named Sam. Sam was a special seed who knew deep down inside that he carried a beautiful flower within him and wanted to become all that he was. But instead of just growing and becoming who he could be in his full potential, Sam was worried and afraid about what others would think. Would he be good enough? Would he be noticed among all the other flowers in the garden?

Sam decided to seek advice from the wise Old Tree. This one had been through many seasons and knew the secrets of true Life. He asked the Old Tree, "How can I become the most beautiful flower and fully manifest myself?"

The Old Tree smiled kindly and said, "Dear Sam, the key to self-manifestation lies in listening to your own inner wisdom. You already carry the blueprint of your destiny within you. All you have to do is trust your unique journey."

Sam was confused and asked, "But how do I know what my destination is and how can I be sure I am making the right choices?"
The Old Tree answered wisely, "Your heart will guide you, little friend. Listen to the quiet voice of your intuition and follow your passion. Do not be distracted by the opinions of others. You are here to show the splendor of your own unique colors and share your unique beauty with the world."

Sam felt a spark of courage rise within him and began to believe that he did indeed have the potential to grow into a beautiful flower. He went deep within himself and found the strength to grow, despite the challenges and doubts he encountered along the way. 
After much patience and perseverance, Sam began to sprout from the ground. He stretched out his roots and carefully grew his leaves toward the sun. As he gradually revealed his true nature, Sam began to shine. His petals reflected an unseen splendor of bright color, and from his heart he spread the most wonderful fragrance. 

The other flowers in the garden were amazed by Sam's unique beauty and strength. They were inspired by his courage and decided to manifest their own unique splendor as well. They turned toward the sun so that their colors vibrated extra, dancing and playing with the waves of light. The garden blossomed and transformed into a paradise brimming with magnificent flowers, each with its own scents, colors, characteristics and unique story.

And so Sam, the little flower who once had doubts about his own potential, grew and flourished as a shining example of self-manifestation for the other flowers. He reminded everyone that they need not be afraid to be themselves and that they can enrich the world simply by showing their true colors.

Comparing yourself to others keeps you away from your unique self. Dare to be who you are instead of going with the flow for fear of not being seen. By getting in touch with your true self, and living from here, you add color and sparkle to life for yourself and others. As a result, creation comes to its true potential. After all, you are creation itself.

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"You are here to show the splendor of your own unique colors and share your unique beauty with the world."

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