The Lotus and the Mud Puddle

Once there was a beautiful lotus flower growing in a mud pool. The lotus was surrounded by dark, murky water and muddy soil. Despite this environment, the lotus shone with its bright, vibrant colors and enchanting beauty.

One day a heron landed at the mud pool and saw the radiant lotus. It seemed to give off light! The heron was fascinated by the flower's splendor and wondered how it could be so beautiful while growing in such a dirty and unfavorable environment. He spoke to the lotus, "How is it possible that you are so beautiful surrounded by mud and murky water?"

The lotus replied, calmly and decisively, "I am beautiful because I know who I am. I am a flower with beautiful shades of pink and white. That is my essence, my true potential. I know I root in mud, but my strength comes from connecting with my self-worth."

The heron was amazed the flower's words of wisdom, and asked, "But how can you maintain your self-worth in the midst of such a negative environment?"

The lotus explained: "The mud and water around me are only external circumstances, dear heron. They do not define who I am. I focus on my inner growth, my own values and my unique beauty. By nurturing my self-worth, I transform my surroundings and radiate a light that can inspire others."

The heron felt a lump in his throat and was deeply moved by the lotus' words. He understood that the lotus had learned a valuable lesson: no matter where you come from or what challenges you face, it is your inner beliefs and self-worth that determine how you present yourself to the world.

From that day forward, the heron took the lotus' wise lesson to heart. He realized that his self-worth was not dependent on external circumstances, but on his inner beliefs and self-acceptance. He began to see and appreciate his own unique beauty regardless of the challenges he faced.

And so the lotus flower and the wise heron remind you to invoke the power of self-esteem within yourself. Like the lotus, you can flourish and shine no matter what muddy situations you find yourself in. It is your inner conviction and appreciation of yourself that enables you to reach your true potential and inspire others with your beauty and power.


Your thoughts determine your reality and how you view yourself. Change your thoughts and you change your perception of the world. As Heron says, "no matter where you come from or what challenges you face, it is your inner beliefs and self-worth that determine how you show yourself to the world." You are a beautiful diamond and you have come here to shine!

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