Monitor your energy balance and become more powerful in life

Do you sometimes get stuck on that one comment from your colleague or partner? Do you -unconsciously- compare yourself to that friend who seems to have it all together? Or do you run yourself ragged trying to please everyone? Tiring! By leaving your energy everywhere you give away your power and risk becoming exhausted.

In this article, Nobi takes you into the thoughts of American spiritual teacher and author Ram Dass. His teachings provide refined insights and practical tools to help you better maintain your energy. This way you can regain your power!


"Positive vibes only. Surround yourself with those who elevator you higher and protect your energy from the rest."

Why is a it important to guard a good energy balance?

If your energy is balanced, you will experience its benefits within many areas of your life. The most important ones include:

  • Greater joy in life
  • Healthier relationships
  • Increased focus and productivity
  • More vitality
  • Better emotional balance

So how do you do that, guard your energy?

We summarize it from the point of view of Ram Dass in these 7 anchor points that can help you on your way to a life from more energy and inner strength. 

1. Develop more inner awareness

You probably recognize it: you feel a violent emotion welling up that, considered behind, was not in line with the seriousness of the situation. So what happened? You reacted from an old pain that you were not aware was (still) living in you. Such a mechanism takes energy. Too much energy. So Ram Dass emphasizes the importance of cultivating a rich inner awareness. Where are your red flags? Which (unconscious) thoughts and beliefs are running away with your emotions causing you to unnecessarily waste energy? So turn your gaze inward and get to know yourself.

2. Set clear boundaries

According to Ram Dass, setting boundaries is essential to protect our energy. This also means learning to say "no" when necessary for you. Yes, you may look over people, situations and activities with a critical eye, knowing that by doing so you are guarding your own energy.  Go ahead and practice with that neighbor who has been taking up your time with her chattering about small talk, while you are in constant need of peace and quiet. It is perfectly possible to indicate, in a healthy and connecting way, what does or does not suit you. By indicating your limits, you maintain a healthy energetic balance and set an example to others.

3. Choose conscious company

Surround yourself with like-minded people who support and inspire you. In the presence of positive, loving and empowering people, you feed your energy levels and protect yourself from negativity. Try to avoid people who gossip about others because by doing so they release their own negative emotions on you such as jealousy, anger, resentment or frustration.

4. Practice loving kindness and compassion

Cultivating a loving attitude and compassion toward yourself and others is an important part of Ram Dass' teachings. Be gentle with yourself; your life, like everyone else's, is a learning experience in which you do not have to be perfect. In this light, you can also become milder toward others. By practicing kindness, forgiveness and understanding, you help build the cultivation of a positive environment.

5. Let go of attachments and expectations

Attachments and expectations cause suffering and deplete our energy resources.  A squeaky-clean house combined with small children? Let it go. Holding on to a friendship you no longer get satisfaction from? Let it go. Letting go of rigid attachments to outcomes and letting go of unrealistic expectations frees your energy and allows you to flow with life from effortlessness.

6. Integrate daily exercises for greater awareness

Meditation, being present in silence, mindfullness, yoga, chanting mantras, mumbling inner prayers... According to Ram Dass, there is a dire shortage in our society of the practice of being consciously present to the silence within ourselves.This includes grounding exercises, visualizations, intentions, affirmations and energy work.Experiment with these and other stretches and feel what resonates with you.They help you to live from a deeper connection with your inner essence and thereby strengthen your energetic field.Surrender to the NOWRam Dass, like Eckhart Tolle, emphasizes the power of surrendering to the present moment and accepting things as they are. By letting go of resistance to the present moment, you free yourself from wanting to control the situation.Thus, you preserve your precious energy instead of wasting it in a fruitless struggle.


"Guard your energy like a warrior, for it is the foundation of your well-being and success.”

Guarding your own energy takes practice

Nobi invites you to see these teachings as guidelines.Start exploring and integrating them into your own life according to your unique circumstances and beliefs.Any change process takes practice, every day. The ways we handle our energy are often more deeply ingrained than initially thought. After all, they are directly related to our deeper wounds.So give yourself plenty of time!

You deserve to become the best version of yourself. Only then will we all make a celebration of the miracle called "Life"!Does it taste like more?

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